Drug info that is easy to swallow
We communicated key facts about drugs and supplements for International Antiaging Systems (IAS), one of the world's leading suppliers of longevity treatments and specialist medicines.
A series of concise 100-word descriptions, with keywords, for every IAS product helped IAS to inform customers and broaden their reach.
The brief
Develop IAS' product information pages with short overviews of drugs and supplements.
The basics
Research and write concise 100-word descriptions for every IAS product, incorporating a series of keywords provided by the company.
The best bits
Balancing the requirements of search and keyword placement with the need to produce fresh and engaging content for IAS' web audience.
“What I value most about the Rocksalt team is the way they get under the skin of the projects I bring them. This translates into both useful insights at a strategic level, and excellent attention to detail in the copy itself.”